Soof Wool & Abaya Silky Floral Detergent 1 L + Woody Detergent 1 L
The Bundle Contains:
Soof Wool & Abaya Silky Floral Detergent 1 L
Soof Wool & Abaya Soft Woody Detergent 1 L
- Wool washing detergent suitable for woolen garments, sweaters, ladies' abayas, and other delicate fibers.
- Soof is an ideal cold water wash suitably designed for wool, cashmere, nylon, and other delicate clothes.
- It cleans all your washables faster with no damage to fibers.
- Suitable for sweaters, double-knits, stockings, bras, and fine lingerie.
- Minimum shrinkage no stretching or fading
- Brand: Soof
- Content: Floral Detergent 1 L + Woody Detergent 1 L