Johnson's Baby Bath 200 ml
- When a baby is born, its skin is at its most delicate.
- That’s why we perfected our formulas over 125 years so they’re now even more gentle for all.
- Johnson's Baby Bath is our mildest formula bath specially developed to gently cleanse your baby’s delicate skin without drying it.
- It lathers quickly and rinses easily, leaving your baby’s skin feeling clean and healthy.
- Made with No More Tears formula that is gentle to the eyes as pure water.
- Johnson's Baby Bath is a pure and gentle daily care that is great for kids and adults too.
- Johnson's baby care products.
- Trusted by moms for over 125 years.
- Made with No More Tears formula that is gentle to the eyes as pure water.
- Free from Dyes, Parabens, Phthalates, Sulphates, and Alcohol.
- Our mildest formula to gently cleanse delicate skin without drying.
- Pure and gentle daily care.
- Hypoallergenic & pH balanced.
- Paediatrician and dermatologist-tested.
- For external use only.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Keep away from sunlight.
- Add to running water and swirl by hand to create big, fluffy bubbles.
- Brand: Johnson's
- Size: 200 ml